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Back to School


Everything you need is here.

We understand there is a lot of information sharing at the start of a school year. Each of the sections on this page are very important, and we appreciate families taking the time to review the information.


Start at the top of this page, and work yourself down. 

★ Please pay particularly close attention to any items marked with a ★

  • The calendar feeds into this site via a Google Calendar, but you can download a one-pager for your refrigerator here. 

    🔗 2023-2024 CALENDAR DOWNLOAD


    You can also view the full calendar with additional events and details here.

  • Please consider completing this form if there’s any chance you may qualify (see below for eligibility)

    BVUSD loses funding when eligible families don’t submit an application and eligible families miss out on great support opportunities. 



    Household Size



    Twice Per Month

    Every Two Weeks



    $ 25,142

    $ 2,096

    $ 1,048

    $ 967

    $ 484


    $ 33,874

    $ 2,823

    $ 1,412

    $ 1,303

    $ 652


    $ 42,606

    $ 3,551

    $ 1,776

    $ 1,639

    $ 820


    $ 51,338

    $ 4,279

    $ 2,140

    $ 1,975

    $ 988


    $ 60,070

    $ 5,006

    $ 2,503

    $ 2,311

    $ 1,156


    $ 68,802

    $ 5,734

    $ 2,867

    $ 2,647

    $ 1,324


    $ 77,534

    $ 6,462

    $ 3,231

    $ 2,983

    $ 1,492


    $ 86,266

    $ 7,189

    $ 3,595

    $ 3,318

    $ 1,659

    For each additional family member, add:

    $ 8,732

    $ 728

    $ 364

    $ 336

    $ 168

  • form iconIf your student needs medication at school – regularly or ocassionally – this form is required with a Physician’s signature. 

    You will have an opportunity to download the form again during Online Registration, but it’s here to help families get a head start. 

    english downloadspanish download


    ‘Medication’ means anything prescribed or over the counter – even Tylenol or Claritin. In order to administer it at school, we must have this form on file with a Physician’s signature.

    ★ IMPORTANT NOTE: Students may NOT ever carry or self-administer any kind of medication at school. 

  • We are excited to have a new handbook for our community. Please take a peak now, and we encourage families to refer to the handbook throughout the school year, too. 

    Please note that this section is a SUMMARY of the handbook. The entire handbook can be found here:

     BVUSD Community Handbook


    You can find the handbook at in two website sections: 

    under  ‘District Information’ & also under ‘Resources

    As part of the Online Registration process, parents are asked to verify access to the online handbook and confirm their agreement to support the grameworks and expectations as summarized below: 



    BVUSD Behavior Framework

    The BVUSD Behavior Framework defines expectations for safe, responsible, respectable, kind behaviors that cultivate a sense of belonging for every member of our community.  BVUSD uses restorative practices to transform conflict, deepen accountability, repair harm, and build relationships. A focus on learning and repairing as opposed to punitive punishment, is not intended to create a ‘permissive’ culture. Rather, restorative frameworks increase accountability for offenders and support for victims.

    In extreme cases, behavior violations may result in loss privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action. In general however, traditional, punitive “punishments” are used sparingly, and only in extreme cases, because they: 

    • typically exacerbate unexpected behaviors  
    • are rarely connected to the behavior
    • do not help a student learn how to make a better choice
    • do not repair harm caused by a misbehavior
    • further alienate students from one another, increasing the likelihood of repeated misbehaviors



    BVUSD Attendance Framework

    Improved student attendance is a top priority for BVUSD. Prior to COVID-19, our district benefited from high attendance rates, but they have plummeted during the pandemic and have yet to return. 

    This year, we are partnering with Attendance Works, a non-profit with a mission to improve attendance. Improving attendance requires participation from the entire community.





    BVUSD Communication Framework

    Communication impacts everything we do. I understand additional important details are included in the Community Handbook, and I have reviewed and can agree to the summary below.



    In support of our health, our children, our spirits, our reputations, and our community, we understand the following: 

    1. Our words and our behavior matters
    2. We are all human beings having human experiences.
    3. Honest communication requires that we suspend certainty and engage openly.
    4. Positive results require solution-oriented engagement.



    1. We regulate and take responsibility for our behavior & our emotional responses
    2. We avoid speaking about others and we don't listen to gossip
    3. We choose to be honest & kind with our words and behaviors - always
    4. We maintain the dignity of others - especially when there’s a concern
    5. We check our assumptions & information and are open to other perspectives
    6. We assume goodwill in others- especially when they are imperfect
    7. We seek solutions - we may attack problems, but not each other
    8. We 'go to the source' of our concern - privately and respectfully



    I know who and how to approach when I have a concern.


    I understand that live, synchronous communication (in-person, phone, video) is most appropriate for anything sensitive. 



    I understand that email can take up a lot of time, and is easily misunderstood and misinterpreted (taking up even more time without a solution).


    In general, messages that could be sensitive, emotionally charged, or anything that requires a response or a back-and-forth, is not best suited for email.



    "What do I really want as a result of this conversation?"


    "How would I behave if I really wanted these results?"

    1. Get clear about what you want to accomplish
    2. Solutions are more important than the details of what already happened
    3. Look for the cause - not blame
    4. Focus on what you need to recover - not on  consequences for others.
    5. Be direct, honest, and clear AND also kind, sincere, and compassionate.
    6. Avoid sharing other people's stories or anonymous feedback
    7. Know when and how to deliver feedback



    Technology Use & Agreement


    • I authorize my child’s use of technology as part of the curriculum, and I will support my child in following the agreements for appropriate use. 
    • I give permission for my child to use district technology and/or to access the school's computer network and the Internet.  
    • I understand that, despite the district's best efforts, it is impossible for the school to restrict access to all offensive and controversial materials. 
    • I agree to release from liability, indemnify, and hold harmless the school, district, and district personnel against all claims, damages, and costs that may result from my child's use of district technology or the failure of any technology protection measures used by the district. 
    • I accept full responsibility for supervision of my child's use of his/her access account if and when such access is not in the school setting.




    Please help your child prepare for success in school by providing the supplies listed below. The items included will assist in organization and completion of assignments and projects in the months to come. Brands requested are those that have proven to last the longest and work the best in the classroom setting, but no items (or brands) are required purchases. As always, donations of extra supplies from this list are greatly appreciated.

    school supplies by grade level

    Download the list for printing here.



    Check out the August 2023 Money Smart School Supplies Store at the Library!

    Money Smart: School Supplies

    Money Smart: School Supplies Store with Lunch at the Library

    Get ready for back-to-school and learn about money by shopping for your school supplies. One free backpack and set of school supplies per student, grades K-12. First come, first served, while supplies last. Available at all 12 regional library locations. Please check the calendar for specific dates and times for your library.

  • A Shared Responsibility for Success in School

    Children are growing and maturing continuously in individual patterns of growth, but some characteristics are common to children in this age group. Knowing these gives teachers and parents a better understanding of the child and helps to set realistic expectations for the child both academically and behaviorally. The following information is offered to give you an idea of the age-related developmental traits common of children as they progress through the grades and ways you can help your child achieve in school.

    The Home School Connection

    •  Provide encouragement, regular study tie, and a place with no distractions for homework.
    • Monitor progress by having close contact with the child’s teacher
    •  Be supportive and positive when working with your child
    • Choose and enforce age-appropriate clear and consistent limit
    •  Notify the teacher of problems in the home that may cause stress
    • Respect your child’s increasing maturity
    • Be the example setter for things you want your child to achieve\Provide good nutrition, proper rest, and regular physical examinations
    • Be aware of and share interests in school, hobbies, ideas, and friends
    • Listen and talk with your child daily

    Yulupa Students: The Student in Primary Grades Needs

    • 10-12 hours of sleep per night
    • A sense of security and a feeling of being loved no matter what he/she does
    • A few special friends
    • Opportunities to exercise large muscles
    • To have group approval and acceptance
    • A happy environment
    • To share toys and take turns
    • To alternate periods of rest and activity
    • Generous praise and not too much criticism of errors.
    • Opportunities to show what he/she can do and talk about him/herself and interests
    • Broadening experiences to satisfy a growing interest in the world
    • Adult approval
    • To be liked by his/her friends
    • Good healthy food at regular intervals
    • Proper medical care from usual childhood diseases
    • Good dental care
    • A well-organized day
    • Understanding with the desire to establish independence from adults
    • Help with follow-through

    Strawberry Students: The Student in Intermediate Grades Needs

    • 10-11 hours of sleep per night
    • Security and understanding from parent and teacher
    • Plenty of food and rest at regular intervals
    • A well-organized day
    • Opportunities to excel
    • Close and brief friendships with the same gender
    • Special help in skills of various games
    • To learn the value of quiet activities
    • Praise, attention, and a sense of belonging
    • Opportunities for committee work, construction, dramatics and club work
    • To be included in family and school planning
    • Opportunities to make some decisions for self
    • To be liked by his/her friends
    • Guidance in spending money wisely
    • Recognition and approval for his/her efforts
    • Opportunities for strenuous activity
    • Guidance with personal hygiene

    Developmental Characteristics by Grade Level


    The Kindergarten Child:

    Will Probably Be:

    • Extremely active
    • Growing rapidly
    • Susceptible to disease
    • Interested in other children, yet individualistic
    • Eager to please and imitate adults
    • Maturing in motor control, can hop, jump and skip
    • Eating, dressing, and toileting independently
    • Losing his/her first teeth
    • Farsighted, requiring large objects and close contact


    Will Probably Have:

    • Good reasoning powers
    • Ability to plan and carry out plans and short-term projects
    • Desire to speak plainly and use new words.
    • Ability to relate experiences
    • A changeable mind, gradually acquiring more defined ideas


    Family Activities that Support Learning in Kindergarten:

    • Read to and with your child daily and ask questions about the story
    • Encourage older children to read to younger siblings
    • Reinforce the importance of reading by being a reader yourself
    • Label items around the house and encourage your child to read the labels
    • Talk with and listen to your child
    • Encourage your child to ask questions and seek answers
    • Plan educational games with your child, including counting games
    • Create special times for your child to be alone with you or to participate in activities with you
    • Take your child places and talk about the places you visit.
    • Read nursery rhymes, songs, and family stories to your child and encourage him/her to memorize the words.
    • Give your child responsibilities to contribute to the family such as making the bed or picking up belongings
    • Monitor your child’s TV viewing
    • Teach your child to write his name using upper and lower case letters
    • Teach your child his/her phone number and address
    • Encourage the use of toys that develop small muscle coordination such as clay, small blocks, etc.
    • Let your child know that you expect him/her to do well in school and to behave

    The First Grade Child:

    Will Probably Be:

    • Impulsive: Tending to go to extremes of behavior
    • Changeable: Experiencing periods of laughter and tears in quick succession; periods of deep thinking and periods of inattention
    • Often dawdling: More interested in playing than in eating or dressing
    • Often careless of his/her clothes or toys
    • Active: climbing, running, wrestling
    • Easily frustrated by lack of motor skills
    • Enjoying imaginative play
    • Demanding of other
    • Becoming aware of past and future time
    • Attempting to do things too difficult for him/her
    • Aware of the world outside home
    • Ready for anything new


    Will Probably Have:

    • Good reasoning powers
    • Ability to plan and carry out plans and short-term projects
    • Desire to speak plainly and use new words.
    • Ability to relate experiences
    • Much enjoyment from dramatic play
    • Lengthening periods of calmness and self absorption
    • An interest in collecting things and property rights to the things collected


    Family Activities that Support Learning in First Grade:

    • Continue to read to and with your child daily, pointing our simple words and sounds.
    • Continue to encourage older siblings to read to and tutor younger siblings
    • Make regular visits to the library with your child
    • Point out printed words in the community or home—stop signs, words in the newspaper, signs in stores,
    • Discuss and monitor television programs
    • Take walks around the neighborhood, counting common objects such as trees, talking about local businesses, street names, and interesting points in nature.
    • Tell stories about family history and culture
    • Ask your child to count pennies or other coins when at the market
    • Point out and discuss various shapes and sizes around the home—the circle on the clock face, size of a milk carton, etc.
    • Link scheduled family activities to the time of day—lunch at noon, bedtime at 8:00, etc.
    • Give your child responsibilities to contribute to the family such as cleaning his/her room, recycling
    • Provide opportunities for your child to interact with members of the extended family: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc

    The Second Grade Child:

    Will Probably Be:

    • Two or three inches taller than last year
    • Sturdy and healthy
    • Still for only a short while at a time
    • A problem eater
    • Losing baby teeth
    • Showing a desire for freedom
    • Showing independence from adults
    • Aggressive sometimes and sympathetic others
    • Emotional, particularly fearful of imaginary and improbable dangers
    • Sensitive to ridicule, failure, loss of prestige
    • A good listener
    • A boaster
    • Enjoying secrets with friends
    • Interested in everything of the present time and immediate environment
    • Enjoying some time alone
    • Demanding of self
    • A fan of riddles and simple jokes
    • A complainer and moody
    • Literal in thinking; not quite ready for abstract


    Will Probably Have:

    • A strong liking for anything that runs on wheels
    • Much enjoyment from dramatic play
    • Lengthening periods of calmness and self absorption
    • Increased interest in team and group activities
    • A well-developed competitive spirit


    Family Activities that Support Learning for the Second Grader

    • Let your child plan meals and cook with you focus on measuring and how foods and liquids change when heated
    • Help your child make a map of his/her home or neighborhood, label simple items
    • Encourage your child to do homework independently, while still expressing an interest in his/her work
    • Teach your child to write simple thank you notes to grandparents, etc.
    • Encourage your child to read books that contain factual information about dogs, plants, etc.
    • Use reference materials in your home with your child—dictionaries, simple encyclopedias, computers, atlases, etc.
    • Find the country of your ancestors on a map and trace their route to America.
    • Talk about your job and how it affects others in the community.
    • Have your child become familiar with the prices of common items.
    • Gradually increase your child’s level of home responsibility.

    The Third Grade Child:

    Will Probably Be:

    • More able to control large muscles than smaller ones
    • Interested in cliques, teams, and own gender
    • Sensitive to ridicule, failure, loss of prestige
    • Developing better eye-hand coordination
    • Somewhat inclined to hit, tease, and punch
    • Careless about how dirty he/she gets for the fun of it
    • Unable to maintain a long attention span
    • Serious about self and ability to imitate adult behavior


    Will Probably Have:

    • A desire for group play activity and teams
    • Growing ability to make social responses
    • Interest in dressing up and playing parts
    • Tendency to use unacceptable language
    • A strong sense of justice as he/she sees it
    • Contradictory skills
    • Varying emotional patterns of fear, joy, jealousy, and affection
    • Fear of such things as blood, ghosts, lightening, robbers, dark, solitude
    • Ideas and desires to create things beyond his/her ability.
    • Sexual modesty
    • Eagerness for new experiences
    • Enthusiasm and energy
    • Difficulty with follow-through


    Family Activities that Support Learning in Third Grade

    • Continue to read to and with your child daily, choosing a variety of literature and longer books that can be read over an extended period of time
    • Share your enjoyment of reading with your child
    • Visit museums, parks, aquariums, and cultural events and discuss them with your child; as possible, connect family outings to your child’s school studies
    • Talk to your child about what you do to help your community and involve your child where possible; for example, participate in the Human Race or other community event as a family
    • Provide your child with access to the local newspaper and discuss current events at the dinner table.
    • Help your child memorize multiplication facts in a fun, game-like manner.
    • Involve your child in developing family traditions for holidays, special occasions and times of seasonal

    The Fourth Grade Child:

    Will probably be:

    • Insistent on his/her independence
    • More self-contained and self-sufficient
    • Interested in factual material
    • Extremely interested in peers and teamwork
    • A worrier/complainer of small discomforts
    • Self-centered


    Will probably have:

    • Great physical energy
    • Passing curiosity about sex
    • Great variety of interests
    • Sense of humor
    • Strong and impressionable sense of justice
    • Started a collection
    • Desire for a pet
    • Desire to participate in some community activity


    Family Activities that Support Learning for the Fourth Grader

    • Explore as much of California as possible through travel, videos, books, and family stories
    • Support your child’s activities outside of school; for example, scouts, athletics, band, etc.
    • Encourage older children to teach their younger siblings to play board games, cards, etc.
    • Make sure your child gets enough rest and has the proper nutrition
    • Emphasize safety as your child becomes more independent in areas such as bicycle/traffic rules, and contacts with strangers
    • Watch weather reports on television with your child
    • Encourage your child to select more sophisticated literature on library visits, e.g. biographies, plays, adventure stories, etc.
    • Make up math word problems based on household activities
    • Consider your child’s academic and cultural interests when choosing gifts
    • Institute a family reading hour during which time everyone reads something

    The Fifth Grade Child:

    Will probably be:

    • Relatively more free from disease than at any other growing period
    • Normally slow and steady in growth in height and weight
    • Interested in factual material
    • Showing better command of time
    • Able to concentrate for longer periods
    • Pleased with adults
    • Increasingly aware of and concerned about personal ideas and beliefs
    • Extremely interested in and loyal to groups of friends, clubs, etc. of his/her own gender
    • Able to assume responsibility for personal needs in dress and grooming
    • Beginning to struggle between ending childhood and beginning adolescence


    Will probably have

    • Increasing interest in organized games and team play
    • Passing curiosity about sex
    • Urge to earn money
    • Great variety of interests
    • Well-developed sense of humor
    • Strong and impressionable sense of justice
    • Interest in collecting
    • Desire for a pet
    • Desire to participate in a community activity
    • Increased strength and resistance to fatigue
    • Beginning interest in opposite sex
    • Need for special friends
    • Tendency to separate work from play


    Family Activities that Support Learning for the Fifth Grader:

    • Subscribe to a kid’s magazine or book clubs
    • Explore as much of the US as possible through travel, videos, books, and family stories
    • Give your child more responsibility for money and ways to earn it
    • Involve your child in deciding on his/her responsibilities around the house and ways to contribute to the family
    • Encourage your child to read to and tutor younger siblings
    • Discuss your favorite authors with your child
    • Encourage your child to read varied books
    • Discuss movies and television programs in terms of characters, plot, setting, theme
    • Listen carefully when your child talks to you
    • Help your child with research for school and personal interest projects while still encouraging him/her to work independently
    • Create estimation problems in every day life such as how long it takes to drive 100 miles
    • Practice mental math with your child
    • Actively support your child when he/she wants to explore science at home through activities such as model building and “kitchen chemistry”
    • Discuss safety issues when using tools and equipment
    • Help your child stick with an activity when he/she is frustrated or having difficulty

    The Sixth Grade Child:

    Will probably be:

    • Able to concentrate for longer periods
    • Resentful of being told what to do
    • Increasingly aware of and concerned about the personal ideas and beliefs of others
    • Having strong urges to conform to peers
    • Ready to challenge knowledge or adults
    • Able to assume responsibility for personal needs in dress and grooming
    • Eager to earn money
    • Critical of his/her artistic productions
    • Developing a sense of humor
    • Joining clubs
    • Increasingly able to separate work from pay
    • Able to gain satisfaction in his/her ability to achieve
    • Struggling between ending childhood and beginning adolescence
    • More interested in peer group than family


    Will probably have:

    • An interest in religion
    • Cravings to be alone for long periods of time
    • An interest in the world around him/her
    • More freedom from disease than at any other growing period
    • An interest in factual material
    • An interest in organized games and team play
    • An interest in collecting
    • An interest in the opposite sex
    • Increased strength and resistance to fatigue
    • Desire to have a pet


    Family Activities that Support Learning for the Sixth Grader

    • Involve your child in local community drama or other fine arts opportunities
    • Encourage your child to be active in school clubs and activities
    • Read aloud and discuss your favorite forms of literature with your child—a favorite poem, humorous section of a novel, news article, etc.
    • Share your favorite author and discuss why he/she is your favorite
    • Use the Internet to access information
    • Involve your child in planning a family vacation, including the estimation of costs and mileage, geographical and historical points of interest to see, planning an itinerary, etc
    • Point out influences of ancient cultures in everyday life, including words with Latin roots, references to Greek or Roman mythology, food, etc.
    • Consider a science set as a gift
    • Encourage local and critical thinking to solve problems
  • For returning families, you will notice that the number of forms we are asking you to complete has significantly shortened.

    The important questions from each of the previous forms have been embedded into the Online Registration process.

    We’re trying to make things as easy as possible. :)

COMING SOON: Online Registration (August 1-9)

Between August 1st and August 9th:

Please log into the Aeries Parent Portal to complete the required Registration Process. 

This annual process allows families to view and update important information such as emergency contacts, review District and school policies, and approve important forms the District must have on file for every student, including technology use, media release, and more.


TO START (between August 1-9):

You can access Aeries online here. 

- or -

Download the Aeries mobile app:

iOS App / Google Play

We need your help!

If you are or even may be eligible, please complete the quick, online application at

BVUSD lost money last year because eligible families didn’t submit their information.

Families lost out on some great support, too (including NO COST before and after school care).


  • Meals are FREE but we still need eligible families to submit their information at

    Food Service Partnership: We are pleased to continue partnering with the Food Service team at Rincon Valley Union School District, to be able to provide quality, nutritious meals to our students every day!

    All Meals are FREE!  Thanks to the California Department of Education and USDA all meals served to students of BVUSD during the 2022-2023 school year will be at no charge to you. 

    Breakfast: Students will be able to grab a free breakfast in the MPR right before school starts.

    August menus are here!

    1. Go to the ‘Resources’ section
    2. Hover over ‘Parents
    3. Select: ‘School Menu & Meals



    We're calling it the 'More than a Meal' Application, because the application may make your household eligible for SO MUCH MORE!

    more than a meal benefits


    application button for more than a meal app

    By completing this form, eligible families gain access to a long list of benefits that includes free or reduced before/after school care, local scholarships for student camps and enrichment, and home internet services. Plus, our district also receives additional funding for every application by an eligible family.







    eligibility income amounts










    xapplication button for more than a meal appx





    ENTER 95045 for the Zip Code, and select “Rincon Valley, Bennett Valley, & Kenwood SD.”

    There will be an opportunity to select 'Yulupa' or 'Strawberry' later in the application.

     Then follow the instructions to complete the rest of the application. 


    More information about meals and this application can be found here.


Get Your Spirit Wear!

You made it! You’re done. Feels good, right?

We know it can be an overwhelming amount of information, but you did it. Thank you!

  • reading iconConsistent with Education Code section 48980 and other state and federal laws which require districts to annually notify students, parents, and guardians of their legal rights and responsibilities, BVUSD provides the following Annual Notice to Parents for the upcoming school year. This Annual Notice to Parents satisfies the district’s obligations under Education Code section 48980 and other state and federal laws addressing annual notice requirements.

    english link

    spanish link

  • reading icon


    Parent letters describing options for student insurance in English and Español.


    form iconPlease download and complete the enrollment packets using the automatic download links to the right. 

    english download

    spanish download


    Additional Note: Medi-Cal Health Coverage for Children 

    Children may enroll in Medi-Cal year-round, and immigration status does not matter. Medi-Cal provides free or low-cost pediatric services, including dental, vision, and behavioral health care, to children in need from families with limited income and resources.

    “When state programs work together, they can reach more Californians and get them the care they need,” said Jacey Cooper, State Medicaid Director and Chief Deputy Director of the Department of Health Care Services. “The Medi-Cal program is redefining how care is delivered, what leads to health equity and healthy communities, how to better hold the health care delivery system accountable for transparency, quality and results, and ultimately how the state achieves a healthy California for all, including our children.”  

    Individuals may apply for Medi-Cal in person, by mail, by phone, or online. For more information, please view Ways to Apply for Medi-Cal.

  • All of the information below is housed on the website for your reference at any time. The list below are annually required notifications. We’ve put them all in one place for easier access. 



    VISITORS & VOLUNTEERS | BP 1240 • AR 1240 •  BP 1250 •  AR 1250 





    TITLE I  |  BP 6171 •  AR 6171
















MLK quote

Scholarship - Mentorship  - Friendship


Aristotle quote