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Home/School Connection

A Shared Responsibility for Success in School

Children are growing and maturing continuously in individual patterns of growth, but some characteristics are common to children in this age group. Knowing these gives teachers and parents a better understanding of the child and helps to set realistic expectations for the child both academically and behaviorally. The following information is offered to give you an idea of the age-related developmental traits common of children as they progress through the grades and ways you can help your child achieve in school.


The Home School Connection

  • Provide encouragement, regular study tie, and a place with no distractions for homework.
  • Monitor progress by having close contact with the child’s teacher
  • Be supportive and positive when working with your child
  • Choose and enforce age-appropriate clear and consistent limit
  • Notify the teacher of problems in the home that may cause stress
  • Respect your child’s increasing maturity
  • Be the example setter for things you want your child to achieve\Provide good nutrition, proper rest, and regular physical examinations
  • Be aware of and share interests in school, hobbies, ideas, and friends
  • Listen and talk with your child daily


Yulupa Students: The Student in Primary Grades Needs

  • 10-12 hours of sleep per night
  • A sense of security & feeling of being loved no matter what they do
  • A few special friends
  • Opportunities to exercise large muscles
  • To have group approval and acceptance
  • A happy environment
  • To share toys and take turns
  • To alternate periods of rest and activity
  • Generous praise and not too much criticism of errors.
  • Opportunities to show what they can do and talk about self and interests
  • Broadening experiences to satisfy a growing interest in the world
  • Adult approval
  • To be liked by his/her friends
  • Good healthy food at regular intervals
  • Proper medical care from usual childhood diseases
  • Good dental care
  • A well-organized day
  • Understanding with the desire to establish independence from adults
  • Help with follow-through


Strawberry Students: The Student in Intermediate Grades Needs

  • 10-11 hours of sleep per night
  • Security and understanding from parent and teacher
  • Plenty of food and rest at regular intervals
  • A well-organized day
  • Opportunities to excel
  • Close and brief friendships with the same gender
  • Special help in skills of various games
  • To learn the value of quiet activities
  • Praise, attention, and a sense of belonging
  • Opportunities for committee work, construction, dramatics and club work
  • To be included in family and school planning
  • Opportunities to make some decisions for self
  • To be liked by his/her friends
  • Guidance in spending money wisely
  • Recognition and approval for his/her efforts
  • Opportunities for strenuous activity
  • Guidance with personal hygiene