The Handbook Agreement Form summarizes the key components of the BVUSD Community Handbook and asks parents to confirm their review and agreement/
If a student needs medication at school – regularly or occasionally – this form is required with a Physician’s signature. This form is also included in the Online Registration process; it only needs to be turned in once per school year.
Required in order for a student to bring a personal mobile communication device at school (like a phone or smart watch). This form is not part of the Online Registration Process.
This form allows families to prohibit use of their child’s image or name in district-sponsored digital media, social media, website, newsletters, etc. This information is gathered during Online Registration; this form is only necessary to change your response - or if you entered the district after August.
Parents may complete if they don't want their contact information shared with our parent groups (APT / BVEF). This form is not part of the Online Registration Process.
Eligible families need to submit this additional application for access to free/reduced cost opportunities like before/after school student programs, household services and other community resources. This content is covered during Online Registration.
Share this link with families for student counseling sessions. Responses will go to our school psychologists.
This is required prior to communicating with ANYONE outside staff working with a student – including babysitters, counselors, doctors, etc. Even if parents initiate a connection with a staff member and an outside person, this form must still be on file.
The BVUSD Parent Packet summarizes policies and procedures for volunteers, visitors, and chaperones including information about: Field Trips, TB screening, Fingerprint clearance and Driver requirements. Individual forms (from the packet) are also linked separately below.
Complete IMMEDIATELY. The school employee who witnesses or discovers the incident should complete this form. The report should immediately be forwarded to the principal/supervisor for signature and reporting to the superintendent and RESIG. This report is confidential.
Complete IMMEDIATELY when an incident involving a student occurs requiring attention (beyond basic First Aid) The school employee, who either witnessed the student injury or was supervising the student at the time of injury, should complete this form and forward to principal/supervisor. If additional pertinent facts develop, notify the principal/supervisor immediately. This report is for the confidential use of RESIG.
If you are even considering potential abuse: ALWAYS REPORT. (1) CALL the Child Protection Hotline (707) 565-4304 - or - (800) 870-7064 within 24 hours of learning about any suspected abuse. (2) FILE written report within 36 hours. (3) EMAIL the completed form - or - FAX a printed form to (707) 565-4324.
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Form revised 9/1/24
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Forms and instructions for permissions, volunteers, drivers, collecting payment via Parent Square, and requesting a bus online.
Forms and information for volunteers and drivers.